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Ph.D. Student Wins Prestigious Dissertation Award

Congratulations to PhD candidate Rana McReynolds who will receive a Ruth B. Mandel Dissertation Research Award from the Center for American Women and Politics to support "the next generation of gender and politics researchers to yield progress for women in U.S. politics."

Grad Students Publish Paper with Institute for Replication

Graduate Students Alice Malmberg and Daniel Scates have published a paper with the Institute for Replication on "Flight to Safety: COVID-Induced Changes in the Intensity of Status Quo Preference and Voting Behavior: A Comment on Bisbee and Honig."  You can read it here.  

Faculty Research Productivity is #6 Nationally!

On a per-person basis, our faculty has been the 6th most productive nationally and the top UC Political Science department according to this study in the journal PS: Political Science and Politics.  

POL PhD on the PBS News Hour

POL PhD Alex Mayer who is now Director of Postsecondary Education at MDRC was interviewed on the PBS News Hour about MDRC's randomized control trials aimed at improving community college student success.  Here's the link, with Alex joining at the 4:40 mark.  

Wash U. Professor Frank Lovett to Deliver Sinopoli Memorial Lecture

In memory of our colleague Richard Sinopoli, Frank Lovett of Washington University will deliver the Sinopoli Memorial Lecture on "Milton and the Republican Politics of Paradise Lost."  

Date: Friday, May 5, 2023

Location: 693 Kerr Hall

Lunch will be provided.