Position Title
Professor Money’s research agenda focuses on issues of international migration. Her Cornell University Press Book, Fences and Neighbors (1999), examines how the geographic concentration of immigrants in destination countries affects policy making. In Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation (University of Georgia Press 2019), she presents evidence to demonstrate the relative importance of bilateral cooperation on migration, as opposed to multilateral cooperation. This is complemented by the edited volume, Migration, Nation States and International Cooperation (Routledge 2012) that explores the role of regional organizations in international migration. She has contributed to the intellectual community of migration scholars through her Oxford Bibliography on Voluntary International Migration and her co-edited textbook, Introduction to International Migration (Routledge 2021). Her current research agenda focuses on migrant mobilization, migrant rights, and citizenship, including gendered analyses of naturalization. A copy of her curriculum vitae is here.